OnLine Conferencing Systems (1994-1998)

1.parti - a text-based system where various conferences were set up and accessed by the learners. Typically, the learner was encouraged to respond to the topic for which the conference was named. One could read or write to the conferences. A scratchpad was available or one could go into PICO, an online editor, to create messages and save them to the conferences. Learners could also upload and download messages created as text files in a word processing program. All course work was done online. In the first course, there were two elective drop-ins in Professor's office during the semester for those in Toronto.

Course: 1692: Introduction to Research in Education Fall 94 (two facilitators)
Course: 1300 Foundations of Curriculum Spring 97

2. E-mail reader system with major domo set-up. All messages from everyone in the class arrived in one's inbox on PINE mail reader. A Web page version with threading by date and author was also made available before the course was over. For small group work, e-mail lists were used. All work was done online.
Special topic elective seminars with the Professor were available on campus during the term.

Course:1514 Internet Resources Summer 1995

3. HyperNews - this system allowed conferences as set by the Professor In this case, there was a Subject related conference, a Resource Conference, a Café, and various work pages for small group work. HyperNews was used as a support for F2F meetings as was e-mail (primarily among the small group participants).
HyperNews ( )

Course: 1551 Distance Education Design Spring 1996

4. Virtual U - this system allowed conferences as set by the Professor with subconferences as suggested and/or set up by participants. This was used as support for a F2F course along with e-mail. Conferences included Main Page, Agenda, Questions and Answers, and Projects. VIrtual U (

Course: 1551 Dynamic Web Summer 1996

5. E-mail reader on the web. This is a threaded e-mail reader that organizes messages posted by all participants. Supports F2F seminar sessions held twice a month. There is no moderator or facilitator.

Course 3522: Doctoral Seminar in Computer Applications Fall, Spring 98

6. Web Course in a Box - this system allows Forums for posting and follow-up messages. Forum topics are set by the Professor. This is used initially as a support for a Main Web Page and F2F labs and later, to supplement online learning materials and browser situated Discussion Groups for an online course.
Web Course in a Box is no longer available - it merged with the BlackBoard learning system.

Courses: MRK530 and SMS333 Computer Applications Summer, Fall, Spring 1997-98
CTC203 Web-Based Learning Spring, Summer 1998

7. Netscape Communicator Discussion Groups - this system is a news reader set up to be used with the Netscape Communicator 4 Browser. The Professor uses three main conferences: Teaching and Learning, Questions and Answers (for technical issues), Café for social topics. There are Small Group Conferences for each team's projects.

Course: CTC203 Web-Based Learning Spring, Summer 98

8. Web Knowledge Forum - this system is web-based with conferences set by the instructor. Conferences include Help, Announcements, Tutor, a Café, and individual groups. WebKF is used in addition to a MOO system, e-mail, F2F classes and computer lab sessions.

Course: 1602 Computers in Education Summer 98

Main | Introduction | Learner | Teacher | OnLine Systems | Examples | Reflections